How to Ski Bike – first five runs

We had a great time taking Alex Bogusky and Lee McCormack from the Joy of Bike YouTube channel out for a ski bike lesson. Here is the video they made for Joy of Bike. Check it out because you may learn something to get yourself into skibiking.

How to Ski Bike – first five runs2021-11-05T13:29:16-06:00

2021 SkiBike Teaser Video

Check out this video put together by the Lenz Sport SkiBike team riders. These guys have been out having a blast on Lenz SkiBikes for years and are really starting to show the world what they can do. Get your stoke going for this SkiBike season and watch this video.

2021 SkiBike Teaser Video2021-10-31T19:40:47-06:00

Lenz SkiBike assembly

This video shows you what you need to to when you get your Lenz Sport SkiBike shipped to your door. Pull the parts out of the box, get your bike stand and tools ready, and unravel your dream Ski Bike and get it ready for the slopes in no time. If you aren't comfortable with

Lenz SkiBike assembly2021-01-29T09:06:17-06:00

SkiBike in Powder at Vail Pass

Just bringing back this awesome video from a few years ago when we went backcountry SkiBiking at Vail Pass. Getting out in the Backcountry on our Ski Bikes was so much fun. Can’t wait to go again this year.

SkiBike in Powder at Vail Pass2020-01-21T05:27:56-06:00

Moore Fun is being changed for the worse!

Elevate yourself to the level of the trail.  Don't bring the trail down to your level.  Can't ride it?  No biggie -- walk it this time.  Next time, give a few of the moves a try.  The time after that, try 'em twice.  Eventually, you might put it together and experience the intense satisfaction of

Moore Fun is being changed for the worse!2021-01-29T09:03:46-06:00

Adventure Capitalists feature Lenz Ski Bikes

We are one of the feature entrepreneurs being shown on Adventure Capitalists next Tuesday at 8pm MST on AdventureCNBC. We would appreciate all the support you can give us by sharing this post on any social media network you use. They are showing our Ski Bikes and we are up against other entrepreneurs to potentially

Adventure Capitalists feature Lenz Ski Bikes2020-01-21T04:13:58-06:00
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