The ASA Mission is to grow the sport of SkiBiking through education, promotion of national and international amateur SkiBike competitions and increase rider safety, awareness, and improve access to ski areas for adaptive and non-adaptive participants in the sport of SkiBiking. ASA is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit organization

The American SkiBike Association is organized for educational & charitable purposes as follows:
- Prepare and distribute SkiBike educational material to resorts, adaptive organizations, adaptive needs riders, and general public
- Conduct SkiBike rider safety improvement clinics
- Sanction National and International amateur SkiBike competitions and events
- Promote and support SkiBiking through charitable activities and donations
- Develop and update standardized teaching methodology and documentation
American SkiBike Association History
- Sherry Rawls–Bryce (Virginia) joins the ASA Board in 2020
- Patrick Neelan (California) and Leif Larson (California) join the ASA Board in 2019
- Jim Weiland (Arizona) leads the reorganization of the ASA Board with Jim Cameron (Utah) as Chairman and adding new Board Members – Jeff Butcher (Nevada) and Chris Schuler (Washington) in 2018
- Jim Weiland elected Interim Chairman while remaining head of our SkiBike Adaptive Program.
- Randy and Melanie Kimball (President & Vice President) retire in 2018
- Resort participation surpassed 100 SkiBike Friendly Resorts in the USA in 2018
- Began producing a regular ASA Newsletter quarterly in Fall 2016
- Developed ASA webinars with Randy Kimball and Don Koski which aired in 2015
- Received 501(c)(3) Non-profit status on November 20, 2013
- Joined the National Ski Area Association (NSAA) in September 2012. Over 50 new resorts have become SkiBike friendly since we formed. And the list keeps growing.
- Supporter of the Hartford Ski Spectacular with PSIA supported SkiBike clinics. Lots of wounded warriors on SkiBikes!! Some Board Members have personally supported the event since 2007
- Melanie and Randy Kimball assumed the leadership in 2012. Their efforts were helped with long serving Board Members, Don Koski, Devin Lenz and Jim Weiland.
- Greg Linder took over the Association 2009
- The first Skibike Festival took place March 1 & 2, 2003 at Purgatory with the help of Roy Meiworm
- Rod Ratzlaff founded the original American SkiBike Association November 2001. He runs SkiBike World now