Leviathan Ride Report
This bike is great. It's super light and has great geometry for cross country racing. I love the feeling of confidence I get when I am cruising fast single track or technical boulder gardens. This bike does it all, and I got mine down to 24lbs!
Milkmoney Ride Report
I've always been a singlespeed rider at heart, but I could never get past not having rear suspension. I mean, hardtails are cool and all, but mountain biking is just more fun with full suspension. I was tired of being held back on technical lines on my singlespeed hardtail. Then
Lunchmoney ride report
From - "Devin Lenz is no stranger to innovation. He's been pushing the limits of what's doable and desirable with 29" wheels for over a decade. Even though every one of the big players and most of the smaller ones are finally hawking their version of big wheeled bliss,
Revelation ride report
The first time I rode my new Lenz Sport Revelation 650b bike, I felt right at home. It is light and responsive, and climbs incredibly well. I never feel bouncy on climbs, and I can handle technical ascents better than ever. It has also given me a new found level
PBJ Video
Watch the PBJ hammering the Whistler Bike Park
PBJ Ride Report
"Its a great fun DH bike. Feels right when you get on it. Nothing to fight. No skyscraper high feeling since the BB is pretty low. Very fast and jumps really well. Rides great on the trails and DH runs. A total winner of a bike. Thx to Devin for