Please refer to our How to Tune Skibike Skis page for detailed tuning instructions.

Some people are more meticulous with keeping their skis tuned and waxed than others.  If you are not one of those people or are new to the whole ski thing, we hope that this guideline will help.

Tuning interval:  As with any ski or snowboard, the edges will need to be tuned/sharpened/de-tuned.  There is a detailed tuning guide found on our “Skibike Assembly & Good Info” page HERE.  With that said, after your skis have their initial tuning, it is recommended that you check the edges on a regular basis for knicks, burrs and sharpness.  If you feel knicks or burrs you will want to get rid of them using either a gummy or pocket stone.  If you feel like you can’t hold an edge while riding, run your fingernail perpendicular to the edge.  If you are unable to scrape some nail off, it’s time to have them sharpened.

Waxing interval:  If you look at the bottom of your skis and there is not much wax left (or any for that matter), it’s time for more wax.  If you feel like your skis are a little sluggish and not gliding well, it might be time for more wax.  If the temperature of the snow is different than the last time you had your skis waxed, it’s a good idea to get them waxed with the appropriate temperature wax.  For example, if the current wax on your skis is a cold temp wax (0-20 degrees) and you will be riding in warmer temperatures (35 degrees), you will want new wax.   There are different temperatures of wax for different temperatures of snow.  Every manufacturer will have a different temp range for their wax, so you will need to find out what wax the store uses so you can stay on top of it.

What type of wax?:  Most shops and riders will use a hot wax.  Some people will use a rub-on or spray-on wax for those in-between days where they feel they need a little extra to get them by until their next wax job.  If you start waxing your own skis, you will have to experiment and find what you like best.  As with most things, this is personal preference.  We personally don’t have any experience with anything other than hot wax so you would have to ask around for opinions and feedback on the spray and rub on wax.